Are you planning to travel during the holidays, while you have time off from work and the kids have time off from school, or even in other parts of the winter when travel costs are down because most people just went back to work and school? If so, then here are three features you want to add on to your extended auto warranty to protect your trip. (more…)

Not only is it bad for your car to run out of gas but it can also leave you stranded for quite a while and feeling embarrassed. Even if you make the smart choice and pair roadside assistance with your extended auto warranty, you still want to avoid running out of fuel if at all possible. Here are a few helpful reminders to assist you. (more…)

Are you going to be taking a road trip this winter when the family has time off for the holidays? If so, now is the time to think about acquiring trip interruption benefits. Here are three things that can ruin a trip if you have a breakdown on the road. (more…)

Summer road trips can be fun for the whole family, and that can include a household pet. Here are three tips for taking a road trip safely with your favorite furry friend: (more…)