When you turn the key and the car won’t start, it can turn into a really bad day, even if the problem is something simple like the battery. Whether you have roadside assistance and know someone is on the way or you need to make a call to a friend, it can be embarrassing and a big waste of time to have a battery go bad. Here are a few things people get confused about when it comes to car batteries. Don’t fall for these false statements: (more…)

Besides being bad for your car and leaving you stuck, it can be downright embarrassing to run out of gas, (even if you have a roadside assistance plan coupled with your extended auto warranty). We’re going to give you some of the best tips for keeping your car fueled up properly as well as a few ways to eke out some extra miles if you let the tank get lower than you intended. (more…)

One of the most expensive problems that you can have with your car is an issue with the suspension system. Of course, if you have an extended warranty that covers the suspension, it can give you real peace of mind. If not, here are some of the reasons you want to consider one. (more…)

Gas is expensive, so you don’t want your car wasting it due to poor performance. However, there are some simple things you can do to improve your fuel economy. Meanwhile, other things are a waste of time and money. Here are some of the best and worst ways to improve your fuel economy. Then we will discuss how an extended auto warranty can protect your fuel delivery system. (more…)

Not only is it bad for your car to run out of gas but it can also leave you stranded for quite a while and feeling embarrassed. Even if you make the smart choice and pair roadside assistance with your extended auto warranty, you still want to avoid running out of fuel if at all possible. Here are a few helpful reminders to assist you. (more…)

Sure, you did the smart thing and paired roadside assistance with your extended auto warranty, but no one ever wants to have a tire blowout while driving. Here are a few tips to help you protect your tires and your passengers while driving. (more…)

If you are driving a car, you at least need to have the transmission covered by a service plan or extended warranty. Why? Primarily it is for peace of mind. The fact is that a transmission replacement is ridiculously expensive if you don’t have a warranty. Here are a few things you should know about transmissions. (more…)

Are you going to be taking a road trip this winter when the family has time off for the holidays? If so, now is the time to think about acquiring trip interruption benefits. Here are three things that can ruin a trip if you have a breakdown on the road. (more…)

When a car needs repairs, it can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if you don’t have an extended vehicle warranty. How can you avoid getting ripped off at the garage? Here are four important tips. (more…)

When a driver buys a car from a dealer, the vehicle typically includes a manufacturer’s warranty. The salesperson may even convince you to add on an extended warranty. But what happens when the coverage is up. You’ve probably either had or heard of a number of “Murphy’s Law” type experiences wherein a vehicle breaks down just after the coverage expires.
Here are the two things you need to do when the manufacturer’s warranty is about to expire to maintain your peace of mind. (more…)

It’s time for summer road trips, and while you may have an extended warranty, that doesn’t mean you want to have car trouble while you’re supposed to be enjoying fun in the sun. Here are three things you can do to reduce the potential for a breakdown. (more…)

An extended auto warranty is the best way to protect yourself from unwanted repair bills, but you should also do everything you can to avoid car trouble in the first place. Here are some more tips to help you keep your vehicle running smoothly for years to come. (more…)

An extended auto warranty is always smart when you are purchasing a used vehicle. However, you also want to extend the time between breakdowns as long as possible. Here are 5 upkeep tips if you want your vehicle to go the distance. (more…)