One of the most expensive causes of a vehicle repair bill is a car accident. Even if you have collision insurance, you still likely have a deductible that has to come out of pocket for the repairs. Plus, an accident can often mean higher insurance premiums. Here are a few tips to help you avoid getting into an accident in the first place.
- Follow Traffic Laws – While some may seem overly restrictive, traffic laws are in place for our protection. Since most accidents occur while a person is speeding, obeying the speed limit is particularly important.
- Maintain Your Vehicle – If you hit the brakes and nothing happens, an accident is almost certain to ensue. Keeping brakes, tires, and other vital components of the car in proper working order is a must. Even headlights, brake lights, and signal lights help to prevent accidents.
- Never Drive Under the Influence – We get regular reminders never to drink and drive but remember that being under the influence of certain medications can be just as dangerous (and illegal).
- Don’t Text and Drive – Regardless of your state’s smartphone use laws, avoid texting and other distracting behaviors while driving.
- Set Your GPS While Parked – Start your GPS before you leave if you are driving alone. If you have a passenger with you, he or she should be handling the GPS while you drive.
Vehicles Break Down Enough Without Accidents
Even without an accident, your car is likely to need repairs now and then. That’s why we encourage you to protect yourself with an extended warranty. The right service contract can help ensure that your vehicle doesn’t cost you a fortune when turning the key doesn’t bring it to life. To get a free quote from one of our vehicle protection specialists, call Vehicle Service Center today at 1-800-280-6708.