Getting roadside assistance as an add-on for your extended auto warranty is a smart move that can provide you with genuine peace of mind. Here are three times that you don’t want to be caught without a roadside assistance package.
- When you feel a wobble in the wheel – You know what that means. One of the tires is low. Maybe it was a road hazard like you picked up a nail. Perhaps it was that unavoidable pothole you drove through a few minutes ago. Regardless of the case, you’re not always in a position to change your own tire, and knowing that help is on the way can give you peace of mind in a pinch.
- The keys are locked in – You just finished packing up all the groceries and closed the trunk. That’s when the knot forms in your stomach because you remember that you put the keys down in the trunk after you opened it and they are still there. No worries – your roadside assistance will have you home before the milk spoils.
- When you’re running on fumes – The gas gauge is reading zero, and you don’t even know where the next station is. Now that can be a scary situation. But not if you know someone is just a phone call away to bring you a can of gas regardless of where you happen to be.
The Best Auto Coverage Options Plus Roadside Assistance
At Vehicle Service Center, we specialize in helping drivers to select the extended warranty coverage that will be the most beneficial for you. To that end, we offer valuable add-ons like roadside assistance and trip interruption coverage for when you have a breakdown more than 100 miles from home. To speak to a vehicle protection specialist today, call 1-800-280-6708, or you can request your free quote online.