Extended vehicle protection on both new and pre-owned vehicles is more important than ever before, with garages and dealers charging outrageous repair fees for both parts and labor. How can you be sure that you are really getting what you pay for rather than falling into an extended warranty scam? Read on for 5 tips on choosing the right extended warranty provider. (more…)

The question many people find themselves asking after they get an extended warranty is, “Why doesn’t my warranty cover maintenance?” The fact is that most warranties do not cover normal work that needs to be done on a vehicle such as oil changes, replacing worn tires, or replacing a timing belt. Why are these services not usually covered? Is it still worth it to get a warranty? Are there options that do cover maintenance? Read on to learn more.
The Reason Maintenance Isn’t Covered
First of all, many people take extended service contracts with a deductible to save money. An oil change costs about $30-50 depending on where you go and what service you get. So the fact is that you would never hit your deductible anyway. Things like tires come with their own warranty. The shop that puts them on may offer a road hazard replacement package. As a result, tires are usually covered for their normal life cycle anyway. Things like a timing belt are not usually even bad or worn out when changed. This is simply done to prevent the damage that a snapped belt can cause, so the manufacturer sets a number of miles to make the change at.
Is It Still Worth Getting a Warranty?
Yes, even if maintenance is not covered, it’s worth it. Why do people still get healthcare despite deductibles and copayments? Because if an emergency occurs, it can save thousands of dollars. The same is true with an auto service contract. A $2,000 suspension problem or transmission problem can be a nightmare if a person doesn’t have coverage.
Can I Get My Maintenance Covered?
Yes! Some contracts cover everything from maintenance to roadside assistance. Speak to one of the vehicle protection specialists at Vehicle Service Center to learn more about plan options, and discover the plan that will meet your needs. You even get a free quote by calling 1-800-280-6708.

Are you getting ready to purchase a used vehicle? Then it is time to consider an extended warranty. We’re going to look at some important reasons to purchase a warranty any time you are getting a used vehicle, some circumstances that may make the purchase even more important, and some statistics that reveal the purchase is not the risk some sites may have led you to believe it is.
2 Important Reasons to Get a Warranty for Your Pre-Owned Vehicle
The further we get into the age of over-complicated electrical components of vehicles, the more important it is to protect your used vehicle. A car that is just a few years old may have complicated electrical components that could cost thousands of dollars to repair.
The other important element to consider is the rising cost of auto repair labor. When you start adding $85 to $125 per hour on top of expensive parts, you have the recipe for a nightmarish invoice. A warranty is the best way to avoid adding repairs bills to your monthly car payments.
2 Things to Keep in Mind When Considering Protective Coverage
You should definitely add coverage to your vehicle if either of the following things are true. First, check to see if the vehicle you are purchasing has a history of necessary repairs. You may love a particular make and model, or it may be the only thing that meets your budget, but if that year’s line is known for transmission troubles, you definitely want powertrain coverage.
The second thing to look for is exclusion coverage. This allows you to have greater peace of mind. Unless the exclusion is the specific thing that goes wrong with your car, it’s covered. There’s no guesswork. On the other hand, you also want affordable coverage, so if you are working with a limited budget, you may need to focus on the coverage features that are most important to you.
Statistics Show that an Extended Warranty Is a Good Purchase
The following two statistics show the benefits of extended warranties:
- 84% – Percent of persons who purchased a used car and had every filed claim accepted
- 82% – Percent of people who say they would consider purchasing an extended warranty again
Vehicle Service Center is proud to offer the type of coverage that can actually be of benefit to used car owners. To learn about the different coverage options we offer, and to have one of our vehicle protection specialists help you find a plan that meets your needs and your budget, call 1-800-280-6708.

Suspension problems are one of the more common and expensive issues that car arise in motor vehicle use. How do suspension issues occur? What are the most common problems? How much will the repairs cost? How can you protect yourself from this expense? We’ll tell you here.
How Do Suspension Issues Occur?
While in rare cases a suspension issue may be due to a manufacturer defect, it is far more common for these problems to arise from wear and tear on a vehicle. Potholes are one of the major causes of such damage. AAA reported that potholes result in about $3 billion in repairs in the US each year. To limit the damage, it is vital to try and avoid potholes, keep tires properly inflated, and to slow down as much as possible if a pothole cannot be avoided.
What Are the Most Common Suspension Problems?
The suspension system of a vehicle is complicated. With so much that can go wrong, you may wonder what the most common repairs are. Here are 5:
- Alignment
- Shocks
- Springs
- Ball joints
- Control arms
How Much Do Suspension Repairs Cost?
In part, this depends on what is wrong. The repairs, however, are unlikely to be cheap. According to one report, replacing ball joints can cost anywhere from $350 to $2,200. Stocks were estimated at $200 to $1,500, although they can cost much more on a luxury car. Replacing the entire suspension system can cost up to $5,000.
How Can You Protect Yourself from Suspension Repair Costs?
To ensure you don’t get stuck with a massive repair bill, be sure that your suspension system is under warranty. To assist you in this regard, Vehicle Service Center offers coverage options that can save you a bundle. To learn more, get a free quote from one of our vehicle protection specialists by calling 1-800-280-6708.

Unfortunately, a very small percentage of third-party warranty companies have given the industry a bad name. You know the ones we’re talking about. They give you the hard sell to buy way more coverage than you need and then when you actually have a claim, the company is nowhere to be found, or they come up with terrible excuses for not paying. We’re going to provide you with a few helpful tips to help you avoid scams and get your coverage through a legitimate third-party warranty provider.
Warning Signs When Purchasing a Warranty
Here are 5 things to be wary of when purchasing a warranty:
- The hard sell – A caller telling you that a special deal is only available during this call may just be the sales rep trying to hit a quota, but it could also be a warning sign of something shady. A warranty provider should have no problem with you wanting time to check out the company website and read reviews before making a final decision.
- No guarantee – Reputable companies should have a money back guarantee. If you get buyer’s remorse during the first 30 days, you should be entitled to a refund.
- Robot dialers – If you get a phone call from a robot instead of a human, that’s a bad sign. The fact is that a scam artist may have trouble finding humans willing to try and rip-off their fellow man. As a result, robot dialers are often used.
- Claim to be your manufacturer warranty – Your manufacturer warranty company isn’t going to call you to extend your warranty when the one you got with the car runs out. If the company won’t tell you they are a third-party service, you should be on guard.
- Lots of fine print – That fine print may be the company’s way of talking you out of getting your claim paid. If you can’t understand the fine print yourself, have someone help you go over it before signing anything.
Real Third-Party Extended Warranty Services for Every Budget
At Vehicle Service Center, we are proud to offer legitimate third-party warranty services to meet any budget. Our extended protection plans come with a 30-day money back guarantee to add to your peace of mind. And your quote is always free. To learn more, just call 1-800-280-6708, and get the coverage you need for your vehicle today.

Anyone who has ever dealt with an insurance company understands how a deductible works. This is the amount of money that you have to pay out of pocket as the policyholder. The insurer then covers the rest of the expenses. Extended warranties sometimes work in the same way. You may have a deductible that will dictate how much of the auto repairs you have to cover out of pocket before the warranty company covers the rest. Here’s what you need to know about extended warranty deductibles.
Types of Repair Deductibles
There are two main types of repair deductibles. You either pay the deductible for each repair or for each visit. For the sake of illustration, let’s say that your warranty has a $100 deductible. If that deductible is per visit, then no matter how many covered items need to be fixed on the vehicle, as long as you get them all worked on in the same visit, you pay $100, and the rest is covered. However, if your deductible is per repair and you are getting the transmission, A/C, and drive axle worked on, your cost would be $300 because you would have to reach the deductible on each of the 3 repairs even though they are being taken care of during the same visit to the shop.
What Is the Deductible Based On?
With a manufacturer warranty, there is usually no deductible, so what is the deductible based on when it comes to an extended warranty. There are several factors. First of all, whether the car is new or used will make a big difference. The make and model of the vehicle are also taken into consideration.
Finally, your budget is considered. To make the service contract more affordable, someone with a smaller budget may have to choose a larger deductible to be able to afford the extended warranty. Remember that not all warranties have a deductible, but some do. You definitely want to discuss this with the agent selling the warranty to you.
The Right Coverage Options to Meet Your Needs and Budget
Vehicle Service Center is pleased to be able to offer the best coverage options to our clients. Our customer service representatives can help you to determine what plan will meet your needs and fit your budget. To get your free quote, just call 1-800-280-6708.
Even a basic warranty package should cover transmission repair. Why is this so important? How much does it cost to repair the average transmission? How long should your transmission last? Read on to learn the facts about transmissions.
How Long Does a Transmission Last?
According to one transmission remanufacturer, even when a transmission receives the minimal care it should last 100,000 miles. There are a few factors that can affect this figure:
- Manufacturer Defect – If a defect exists in the transmission, it may last significantly less time.
- Proper Care – Minimal care of a transmission includes things such as transmission servicing, fluid flushing, and the like. The number of miles between services depends on the manufacturer and should be included in your car’s manual.
- Pre-Owned Vehicles – When you buy a pre-owned vehicle, you may not know how well the previous owner cared for the transmission. You may not even know if the transmission in the vehicle is the original or if it has been rebuilt. This can make the life of the transmission difficult to estimate.
How Much Does It Cost to Repair or Replace a Transmission?
The cost of transmission repair depends on many factors. If you have a manual transmission and you just have to do basic repairs to the clutch or solenoid, the price range could be as little as $500 to $1,500. However, if the entire transmission needs to be replaced, average costs range from $1,800 to $3,500. What accounts for such a wide range?
A transmission replacement costs between $2,500 and $3,500. Some may opt to save a little money by going with a rebuilt transmission. This can reduce costs to $1,500 to $2,500. While the primary advantage is about $1,000 in savings, there are also disadvantages to a rebuilt transmission.
Avoiding the Headache of Transmission Repair Costs
Rather than guessing how long your transmission will last and potentially ending up with a huge repair bill, protect yourself in advance with a warranty that covers your engine, transmission, drive axle, and differential assembly. Vehicle Service Center will be happy to help you select the extended warranty that meets your needs and budget. Call 1-800-280-6708 for a free quote.

Extended vehicle protection on both new and pre-owned vehicles is more important than ever before, with garages and dealers charging outrageous repair fees for both parts and labor. How can you be sure that you are really getting what you pay for rather than falling into an extended warranty scam? Read on for 5 tips on choosing the right extended warranty provider.
#1: Find an Experienced Company
Look for a company that has been in business for at least several years. Scam companies close relatively quickly once claims start coming in and complaints spring up over a lack of payment. Plus, companies that have been around for a few years are established and will still be in business if you need to make a claim several years from now.
#2: You Should Be Able to Get in Touch
Look for companies that give you a phone number or a way to contact the company online. Warranty services that are tough to get in touch with when you have a question will be impossible to get in touch with when you need them to make a payment.
#3: Find Out What Is Covered
You don’t want to wait until you get a huge repair bill to find out that you had work done on a part of the vehicle that isn’t covered. Even if the company says you’re getting full coverage, you should ask for the warranty provider’s definition of full coverage.
#4: Can You Just Buy What You Need?
Don’t get roped into an expensive plan if you only need to cover catastrophic repairs. A warranty company should be able to provide a customized package that provides you exactly what you need in order to keep the warranty affordable.
#5: Discuss the Deductible
The expense of your plan may also be determined by a deductible, so don’t automatically take the cheapest planning thinking it’s the best. You may find it just means you’ll still get hit with a big chunk of the repair bill.
The Vehicle Protection Service That Meets Your Needs
Vehicle Service Center has been providing quality extended warranties for years. You can easily contact us by calling 1-800-280-6708. We’ll be happy to discuss what is covered by our full coverage plan or help you to develop a custom warranty that meets your vehicle needs and your budget. In the end, you get peace of mind knowing that your vehicle is protected and that you paid the best price. Customer satisfaction is the lifeblood of our business.